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Colibri - illustrations of desenhos de vento 



What about the illustrations? They illustrate some of the poems that were appearing in the play. At the time we made it we wrote: “Haiku is a Japanese poem that, in few words, offers contemplative descriptions of the world inspired by the observation of Nature. It gives meaning to things that are usually seen as insignificant. João Pedro Mésseder wonderfully explores all these senses. 

How would we translate these beautiful little moments into images? We decided to do so by combining three elements:  puppets, a recreation of the atmosphere of Japanese painting and objective drawings in certain elements. The Japanese atmosphere is offered by the relationship with the landscape and the use of the technique of printing in textile. It opposes with an objective drawing that brings us closer to western culture. In this way we try to establish a dialogue between the Eastern and Western culture as João Pedro Mésseder does it, wonderfully. The puppets appear to metamorphose actions or elements that are usually associated with small moments that composes the haiku. They also appears to connect us with childhood. “ 

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